Courses .....
Meditation Courses
A group program for treating depression and anxiety
What is mindfulness?
Simply put, mindfulness refers to the skill of deliberately focussing one’s attention on something in the present moment. This could involve focussing on body sensations, the sensation of breathing, sounds in your environment, sights around you.
And what is cognitive behavioural therapy?
Cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT, involves identifying the thinking patterns that contribute to problems such as depression, anxiety, and low self esteem. It involves changing the way you interpret and respond to difficult situations.
How would Mindfulness Based CBT help my anxiety or depression?
This program is designed to help you:
become more aware of unpleasant emotions before they build up to overwhelming amounts.
increase the amount of pleasure in your life by learning to savour enjoyable experiences
respond with more skill and wisdom to difficult situations rather than react according to old patterns of behaviour.
concentrate on the task at hand rather than being distracted by worries
What is involved in this group program?
The group consists of 6-10 people who all have experienced recurrent depression and/or anxiety. The group runs for 2 hours a week, for 7 weeks. Each session involves practising a guided meditation and discussing the meditation and the homework which was practised during the week. There are also CBT exercises within the sessions. There is approximately 20 minutes of homework meditation practice a day. A workbook and cds are included in the program.
What is the cost of the program?
Each 2 hour session costs $70 with a total of $490 to be paid a week prior to commencement of the group. Private health rebates apply and are usually around $30 a session (check with your provider). Medicare rebates are around $30 a session. Note, you cannot claim both private and Medicare. Also, to claim Medicare, you need to be referred in advance by a GP who has made a “GP Mental Health Plan” for you.